Felix is DTK Klubsieger 2009

Felix is just one of a kind, and I feel so very lucky to have him, I never expected him to defend his last years Klubsiegertitle, -of course I wished and hoped for it, but I never thought it would happen. The DTK Klubsiegerschau is the biggest Teckel show in Germany and the competion was great. People came from all over Europe, and even Japan. Felix loves to be in the show ring and it shows.

Finchen got her last "Anwartschaft" or point for the DTK Champion so she is VDH and DTK German Champion, this almost meant as much to me as the Klubsieger title for Felix, it was Finchens last chance and she did it.
Lexi did well too, she got a great evaluation and got V2, Mio did very well, he got a V3 out of 8 dogs in the youth class for his first big show not bad at all.