NATC Spring Zuchtschau 2009

Thank you to Jolanta Jeanney for sharing her great pictures!
Three good looking Teckelboys Milo, Mio and Felix

Lexi and Lilly vom Pfauenhof, both were meassured in with BU 29cm (chest circ.) and both weight about 3,5 KG about 7,5 lbs. 

Both did very well and showed themselves from their best side and got the rating "Vorzüglich" Excellent. The judge really liked them both. Now they have the DTK permission to enter our breeding program.

Amore Mio von Schloss Tenneberg visited his first show and also showed himself from his best side. He was calm on the scale and table as the judge checked his teeth and checked each vertabrea in his tale ....and he got his first Vorzüglich. Just before I had to take him of the table the judge took his head looked in his eyes and said " a very nice dog".
Out of all the longhair dachshunds that received a rating of Vorzüglich, Mio won BOB! Also Anke Masters' bitch won BOB of the smooth teckel and Joeri vom Nonnenschlag owner Jolanta Jeanneney won Best of Breed cogratulation John and Jolanta!