We heard from Quadro living with his new family in Wisconsin
Hello Alexandra,Quadro is a wonderful, good puppy! He was a little anxious for a couple days but we stuck to the routine we set out for him and he has settled in quite nicely. I am so impressed with the training you gave him. He used the newspapers in his playpen from the beginning and sleeps through the nights! We have him in a crate next to my bed at night; once he's housebroken he can sleep in a regular dog bed. For now, he'll be confined to the playpen in our kitchen unless we're exercising or playing with him. He gets several play times from each of us every day. We also have a large tiled basement and take him there for exercise - he's so cute as he scampers around. And when I walk around the basement he follows me - just like you said. He played with a friend's puppy who visited this weekend-lots of our friends have stopped in over the weekend to meet him and he greeted them all warmly. Today he took a nap on my lap - he's such a dear, sweet puppy! He goes to the vet this week for his booster shot. He has a full life! Thank you so much, we really appreciate all your time and good work in breeding and raising such a fine dog. we'll keep in touch. - Claudia
We heard from Queen Koume's family, she is living now in the USA, but in September she will be moving with her family to Japan.
Dear Alexandra,
Thank you for giving us the chance to live with Q. Koume! We really appreciate everything. She is very cute, curious, and powerful. She has already made us surprise because she succeeded in peeing just first time and never fail. As you know, we had some hard situations before meeting her, and almost gave up the life with her. But now she is here. We realize that this is the perfect life and can do anything for her. We really appreciate your kindness and giving us this life.
We will take great care of her and live best with her in Japan.
Rika & Tetsuo

Here is a picture of Quinn and Nico
vom Weberschlösschen, with in minutes were
"Best Buddies"
We heard from Raleigh's family:
Dear Alexandra,
Raleigh is a very bright, beautiful, alert, and sweet puppy. Remy and Ripley are great with him. Ripley plays the most with him. He is the one that has retained his puppy-like qualities even though he is 9. Remy who is 11 is more the motherly type. He has a very healthy appetite. The housebreaking is going well; but I must stick to a strict schedule. I did not have to use the crate. I gate him in the kitchen with Remy and Ripley when I go to work. They all cuddle in their bed. I come home for lunch and walk all three pups. Raleigh walks so well on his leash right beside me. Thank you for all your hard work with breeding healthy, happy, puppies! Congratulations on your Breeder’s Award. It is well deserved. Your “S” Litter is beautiful. Attached are some pictures.
All my best,
Danusia Here is Raleigh snuggling with Remy and Ripley
Dear Alexandra,Thank you once again for giving us such great dogs! Romeo is certainly one in the making! He slept most of the way back (2 hours) cuddled between Laurie and Monsieur Dupont. He has used the newspaper twice (pee and poop) and loves his new bed that Monsieur Dupont shares with him. He has not eaten much though. Maybe a good night sleep will bring back his appetite! I am looking forward to it all and will keep you informed on his development.Thank you, thank you, thank you!Caroline, Sophie, Michel, Monsieur Dupont and Romeo
Romeo is doing so well with Monsieur Dupont. He goes outside with Monsieur Dupont and does not use the paper anymore! We simply can't believe it! He sleeps all night from 9:30pm to 6am! We are amazed!Again, thank you for giving us once more the best puppy!Fondly,Caroline & family xoxo
We heard from Quinton and his brother Gunny
vom Weberschlösschen, both are best buddies and having a blast together, especially when the other two
Olina and Gibbs
vom Weberschlösschen come over to play
Here Quinton taking a nap
vom Weberschlösschen
Gunter and Quinton
vom Weberschlösschen
From Rachel's family in Pittsburgh now aka "Tesla", she even got a Welcome Cake....