P-Litter vom Weberschlösschen arrived...and Germany won their soccer game!
We were just getting ready to watch the Euro Soccer Game half finals Germany- Turkey at someones house since we do have ESPN2, .....and then Finchen started her labor. We were kind of surprised she was not due till the 29th or 30th of June, today was her 59th day.
The Germans battled hard, but won 3:2, so in honor to the German soccer player we will name one of the puppies Podolski and we really should name one Philip Lahm he scored the winning goal just before the game ended. Way to go Germany and Finchen!
There was just no more room and the puppies wanted out.... I am glad too that they came early or they would have grown too big.
The first puppy arrived at 2:08 a male, at 2:16 a girl, at 3:41 a male and at 4:04 another male
I listen to the exciting soccer game via PC radio, in between the puppies I dashed back and forth between PC and whelping box.
The Germans battled hard, but won 3:2, so in honor to the German soccer player we will name one of the puppies Podolski and we really should name one Philip Lahm he scored the winning goal just before the game ended. Way to go Germany and Finchen!
Now since the puppies are hear we can watch the Euro Finals on Sunday with out worries!