Felix, Finchen and Jutta traveled with me to the International Dog Show in Munich. Felix and Finchen were entered in the open class, both of them won their class and the won against the other competing dogs out of the "Gebrauchs, Zwischen und Championklasse. Both got V1 DTK-CAC, VDH-CAC and CACIB. Then Finchen and Felix had to run against each other for the BOB (Best of Breed) and Felix won it. He then competed against all the BOB Dogs from each of the Teckel breeds, 9 all toghether and got 3.rd Place.
Jutta was entered in the "Jugendklasse" Zwergteckel and got V1 DTK and VDH-J CAC. For her first big show Jutta did very well. I had no idea what to expect but of course hoped it would be worth while going.... the competition was great and I never showed under this judge, he was very strict, but very correct. I was absolutely happy that it was such a successful trip!
Jutta vom Weberschlösschen

Felix vom Weberschlösschen
Prince Rasso von Bayern with his Teckel was also there
..........Totally exhausted after such a big successful day!