Felix our Champion ----Again an awesome trip to Germany
I took Felix vom Weberschlösschen (DOB 1.1.2006) to the Bundesiegerschau in Dortmund, where he received the title "Bundesjugendsieger" (Federal Youth Champion) and a great evaluation by the judge.
On Saturday we took Felix to a Spezialzuchtschau from the Regional District Westfalen and Felix was evaluated by a judge from Spain. He received V1 and also won the CAC Youth out of all youth longhair that included Zwerg and Standard. Felix was only 9 month and 14 days. Dogs eligible for the youth class can be 9-18 month old.
Sunday there was another special Bundessiegerschau, the 100-Year-Anniversary of the VDH (Verein Deutsches Hundewesen, German Kennel Club) and there again, Felix received the title Jahrhundert Bundesjugendsieger (Century Federal Youth Champion). The judges really liked Felix and said he was a "Spitzenhund" (outstanding dog). These titles also earned him points towards the VDH German Youth Championship. He needs 1 more point to receive this title.
Felix will stay in Germany till he is 15 month and visit more shows, the next one will be in Hannover in two weeks and another in Kassel.
Overall it was a wonderful, but overwhelming experience. I met lots of teckel friends that greeted me with a warm hospitality. I went with no expectation at all and never thought I would come home with such titles and trophies.
Thank you friends and family for a wonderful time!

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